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This is Part 3 of this series in this video we will continue to discuss the institute that existed before so called “Slavery” in America which was (Indentured Servitude). The Colonies of American were started and was able to exist through the Free Labor provided by Indentured Servants. Most of which were the Undesirables , poor and Convicts of England and the rest of Europe. This was the beginning of we think of “slavery” A contract an Indenture not slavery in chains. We will also discuss how this affected the American so called “negro” The American Indians. Why does the census records and genealogy records say “Bound” instead of slave?
What does Muhammad Ali have IN COMMON with the fighting Irish?
Do you know about Anthony Johnson the first owner of a slave for life A black man on another black man. !
Hope you like the video presentation.
This was aired as a premiere Live on 5/31/00 with a community chat.
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