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Part 2 of the Indigenous American to African American Video Series. In this video we bring you more correlating records and evidence of the true Indigenous people of America. We will go into more books including: The Native Races of the Pacific states of North America, The Native Races of North and South America, Hernan de Soto’s account, The voyages of the 16th & 17th century, The books and paintings of George Catlin and other sources. We will also show more images of the forgotten aborigines of America that are left out of the text books. Hope you enjoy the presentation.
Surf the way in real time with Drop nation!!
The native races of the Pacific states of North America
Volume 1
Use book: The Indian races of North and South America , https://archive.org/stream/indianracesofnor00brow#page/16/mode/2up/search/copper
The history of Hernan De Soto and Florida, page 472
Letters & Notes on the North American Indians, Indigenous Peoples of North America written in 1841, by Author George Catlin.
A voyage of discovery to the Strait of Magellan : with an account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants; and of the natural productions of Patagonia; undertaken, by order of the King of Spain, by A. de Cordova
Voyages and travels mainly during the 16th and 17th centuires
Example reference page 13