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This is part 15 of this series, in this video we will discuss the Ancient Tribe of Dan. We will show they are more than just a family or dynasty that existed only in bible stories. These Ancient Seafaring peoples left their influence throughout the ancient and modern world . They are part of factual history !!
Known as many names as The Danaans, Dana, Danu, Danavas, Danaoi , etc …..
Due to their association, their marital ties and commerce with other nations many times they were reclassified as Phoenicians, Canaanites, Greeks, “Sea Peoples” , etc, but They were Danites From the Tribe of Dan of the Sons of Jacob.
We will be reading from many books and references and there will be a follow up video to this since their role in history was a big one !!..
Hope you enjoy the video !
Instrumental at the end Produced by:
Rob & Dre Beats With Bite