In the Flat-Earth model, the Sun and Moon luminaries revolve around the Earth illuminating like spotlights the areas over which they pass. The Sun’s annual corkscrew journey begins at the Tropic of Capricorn on the winter solstice where it makes its fastest and largest circle over and around the Earth. For the next three months every day the Sun slightly narrows its path and slows its speed until by the spring equinox the Sun has spiraled its way from the Tropic of Capricorn to the equator. Then for the next three months again every day the Sun continues to slightly constrict its path and retard its speed until the summer solstice when the Sun makes its smallest, slowest circle around the Tropic of Cancer. Once the Sun reaches this innermost circle, it then begins its opposing, expanding, quickening journey back toward the Tropic of Capricorn. For the next three months every day the Sun slightly widens its path and hastens its speed until the by the autumnal equinox the Sun has spiraled its way from the Tropic of Cancer back to the equator. Then for the next three months again every day the Sun continues to slightly expand its path and increase its speed until the winter solstice when the Sun repeats its largest, fastest circle around the Tropic of Capricorn and the annual corkscrew journey begins again.
The following video « How do Seasons Work on Flat Earth? » was taken from a chapter in my book « Flat Earth FAQ » available here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
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