England, Canada, Australia and many other countries are led politically by “Prime Ministers” to the Queen. In fact she is the official head of 123 commonwealth countries. America, Russia, and other countries, however, have a “President” and “Vice-President.” Usually corporations have Presidents and Vice-Presidents. What does this mean? The original 13 colonies were actually called companies. Military units are also called companies. We sing patriotic songs like “the Star-Spangled Banner” but a banner is a corporate advertisement, not a flag. You surrender with a white flag, no colors. When you get mad you show your true colors. If you just won independence in a bloody revolution with Britain would you choose the same three colors for your new US flag? Why does “every heart ring true for the red, white, and blue?”
The following article was taken from my book The Atlantean Conspiracy available here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
To learn more about this fascinating and important subject, please see the following articles: http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Freeman%20Movement