Death Star Earth is a flat-Earth themed rap track by Pruven and Eric Dubay. Lyrics:
I’m putting NASA on blast,
Spherical trigonometry
dictates the fate
of your fake geometry.
Where’s the curvature?
What you looking nervous for?
Put a crater in your Seder
Darth Vader in your elevator.
Black helmet, force choke your mind,
James Earl Jones narrates your life,
be like Gus Grissom blowing whistles ’til they kill me.
Houston’s got a real problem now: Eric Dubay.
Brass taxes, NASA forecast is,
partially cloudy with duplicate patterns
completely unchanging for 24 hours,
magical clouds with subliminal powers.
Robert Simmons with his ribbons of imagery,
copy pasting defacing your reality.
Artists renditions shifting perceptions
minions misgivings shills misdirections.
Solid like the rings around the flat plane acknowledge
Infinite plane profit
Kill agnostic garbage
You believe in chemtrails
Believe in conspiracies
You believe a black man can kill a cop and go free?
Made’em flinch
You know the Earth’s curvature miles per square inch?
Exist study a bit hence
You believe in lies indeed
Intercourse with the truth
You believe in involuntary solitude
Trips to the moon? Naw
Never been no pretend
Asked Buzz Aldrin again
Its knowledge for those ignorant men
Whose serving ya?
Bridges don’t amount for curvature
Paid actor’s working for nasa whose your master?
It’s true, movies indoctrinated you
The spinning ball at the beginning of every movie flick doesn’t exist
Research to and not to believe
In Hebrew the word « nasa » means to deceive don’t believe everything you see or read
Research what they feed
Lies I combat with facts
Check the flight patterns and the maps
Stanley Meyers bars
I believe water can be fuel to drive cars
NASA photoshopping stars
Moon light colder than the night shadows
Aliens didn’t make the pyramids it was the Pharoah’s.
Contact info:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: « Pruven » or « Pruven Select Few »
Instagram: « Pruven1 » & « Pruven777 »
Twitter: « pruven777 »
Mix/Master/Sampling by Sizorhandz
Beat by Bryce Quiz
Listen on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eric-dubay
Listen on Soundclick: https://www.soundclick.com/bands3/?bandID=1437634
Listen on Orfium: https://www.orfium.com/profile/ericdubay/
Note: I do not support or affiliate with Nathan Oakley or any of the UK conference/potato crew, the clips sampling his voice was included by the song’s producer.
To learn much more about our flat, motionless Earth, please visit: