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This is part 10 of the series « Untold Ancient American Truth » We will be discussing Ancient America, the Maya and their role in the world stage. Who are the the ancient Nagas of India? Research is pointing to the Maya as the NAgas or “serpent People”. We will be reading from scholarly books one in particular « »Queen Moo and the Egyptian sphinx » By Augustus Le Plongeon as well as « Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids « by Peter Tompkins. As well as the book “The Lost Continent of Mu” and the archeological finds of William Niven in Mexico.
Credit for
Instrumental music
Allman Deliman for instrumental « Indian Country » played in the beginning. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYH…
Joseph Levels
Jalyn Brown
Creative Commons free audio music
#Maya #Nagas #PriestKings #AmaruKhans