The Flat Earth Movement

The Flat Earth Movement is the title track off my « Flat Earth Movement Album » available here:

Lyrics: The Flat Earth movement is taking on the world here. You are not living on a pear-shaped oblate sphere. Water finds its level, horizon stays flat, rises to your eyes, no matter where they’re at. The pole star hasn’t moved an inch in millennia, while the other constellations all around it turn perennial, group rotations in perfect formation never moving an inch from their relative locations. You’re not moving, the Earth is static, gravity is magic, the truth is tragic, you fell for some sad shit, time to redact it, Earth is flat, that’s that, can you grasp it? That last NAS-pic was faker than a spastic-ass crack-addict claiming to take his last hit. Your blue balls fit firmly in the cock-pit, of all your dog-shit bought by the public.

But not me bitch I’m runnin’ through your gauntlet, of paid shills like water through a faucet, right quick like I knew from the on-set, you’d try to hijack and co-opt the movement. But not me see I’m runnin’ through your gauntlet, of paid shills like water through a faucet, right quick like I knew from the on-set, you’d try to hijack and co-opt the movement.

Like Paul Bales sitting jealous in his bathrobe, or Steven Christ looking sly in his dim light, Orphan Red on her bed flashing gang signs, or Mark Sargent from a game-design standpoint, like Rayn Gryphon’s interpretive dances, Pat Steere’s fake smiles and furtive glances, Powerland’s weird songs and rambling rants, or like John le Bon always changing his stance. The shill M.O. it’s always the same, take the Flat Earth keyword and make it so lame, that it stays taboo and avoided like the plague, so it seems like your trolling and just playin’ a game, mix some misinformation and you’re ready to play, put Flat Earth in the title then you shills get paid, it’s as easy as that, just google hangouts all day, keep it kosher and bash on Eric Dubay.

But not me bitch I’m runnin’ through your gauntlet, of paid shills like water through a faucet, right quick like I knew from the on-set, you’d try to hijack and co-opt the movement. But not me see I’m runnin’ through your gauntlet, of paid shills like water through a faucet, right quick like I knew from the on-set, you’d try to hijack and co-opt the movement.

But you failed, under-estimated my drive, I’mma keep fightin’ for the rest of my life, exposing the truth, and destroying your lies, dethroning kings one at a time like my man Gerard Hickson, Thomas Winship, Samuel Rowbotham, and Charles K. Johnson, or my gals Lady Blount and Gabrielle Henriet, irrefutable proof is all you’re gonna get, like David Wardlaw Scott and A.E. Skellam, William Carpenter, Westfield, Eschini and Shenton your globe world disorder is what we are ending, veils are being lifted, that’s what you are sensing. Your control’s getting old, humanity’s moving on, we’re beyond playing chess, and we’re done being pawns, so prepare for the final checkmate, it’s on, once the tipping point’s hit, you mother fuckers are gone.

But not me bitch I’m runnin’ through your gauntlet, of paid shills like water through a faucet, right quick like I knew from the on-set, you’d try to hijack and co-opt the movement. But not me see I’m runnin’ through your gauntlet, of paid shills like water through a faucet, right quick like I knew from the on-set, you’d try to hijack and co-opt the movement.



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