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In this video we will discuss and remember the ancient Mound City of St Louis, Missouri.
Did you know St Louis was built on an Ancient Metropolis of Mounds ?
Not so far across the river at some distance is also the ancient center of Cahokia. Both Location important centers for the ancient Mississippian indigenous Cultures.
Specifically in St Louis there was a very Large Mound dubbed by the French “La Grange De Terre” (The Large Earth Work) or Big Mound Second Largest next to Monk Mound n Cahokia , (Big Mound ) was Visible from far and was at the center of St Louis at the intersection of Broadway and Howard Today.
This Mound and many others were destroyed without a care and its memory forgotten. The Sand and soil used for helping in building there railroad tracks …
Let Me show you this amazing ancient city in St Louis next to the Mississippi River the real “nile” (GREAT RIVER )!! The real Ancient “egypt” ( TAMERI ) !!!!
Hope you enjoy …