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This is part 7 of the series « Untold Ancient American Truth » We will be discussing Father Carlo Crespi, who comes from Milan, Italy and his amazing ancient American collection. He lived in the small town of Cuenca, Ecuador, for more than 50 years. He was a priest assigned to the Church of Maria Auxiliadora there. Father Crespi gained the trust and respect as an archeological figure amongst the local people and they used to bring him presents from their hiding places in the Ecuadorian jungle. Finally the father had so many precious objects stored in his house and the church that one day he received permission from the Vatican to open a museum. This museum in the Salesian School at Cuenca grew and grew Until in 1960 it was one of the biggest museums in Ecuador, and Crespi was recognized as an archaeological authority. Let me show you these ancient relics and artifacts found in South America. Objects that are controversial and « out of place » according to main stream archeology. Real proof of an ancient culture and people never spoken of in the America’s. These objects and artifacts are now locked up and gone from the public view since Father Crespi died in the 80’s. They have been unearthed again here for you to see. Hope you enjoy this video.
Hawah Bless….