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This is part 6 of the series « Untold Ancient American Truth » We will be discussing Ancient America, the Maya and their role in the world stage. What they found in Palenque, The north American Mounds, Out of place archeological findings, and part 2 of a special interview with Graham Hancock author of « Fingerprints of the Gods » and author of the new book « AMERICA BEFORE » and how we have 1000,000 years of untold history and human occupation in the Amazon and other places in America.. We will be reading from many scholarly books one in particular « »Queen Moo and the Egyptian sphinx » By Augustus Le Plongeon as well as a newspaper article from the Kansas City Journal 1896. Hope you enjoy this one.
Credit to:
Documentary: « Secret Ancient American History »
Footage of guatemalan jungle discovery NAT GEO
Graham Hancock Interview: the show « London Real, People Worth Watching » & RT News Channel
Glenn Beck on his old news program