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If you find it in your heart to help me be able to have more time for research, editing, uploading and resources for books.
You can donate as a patreon if you like https://www.patreon.com/kurimeo . Only do this if you are willing and able, I will continue to do what I do either way.
This is part 21 of the series « From Indigenous American to African American” Coming back ! We will be discussing the Original people of America. A Compilation recap of this series and many others videos I have. Also Some new information and we will go over some great post from the Instagram Community as well…
Hope you like the Video ..
Credit for
Instrumental music
Joseph Levels
Allman Deliman
Licensed owned music
And Youtube free audio library Creative Commons
#Nagas #PriestKings #AmaruKhans #turtle #Kurimeo #Ancient #America #Aboriginals #AncientOnes #Indians #Originals