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This is part 11 of the series « Untold Ancient American Truth” Coming back after 6 months of this series. We will be discussing Ancient America, the Maya and their role in the world stage. Who are the the ancient Maya aboriginals and what is the meaning of their name Maya / Mayach and how does it relate to the Turtle or. Turtle island. We will be reading from scholarly books one in particular « »Queen Moo and the Egyptian sphinx » By Augustus Le Plongeon as well as another one of his books and A book called “Mysteries of South America” by Harold Wilkins
Credit for
Instrumental music
Joseph Levels
Veevo Breeze
Licensed owned music
And Youtube free audio library Creative Commmons
#Maya #Nagas #PriestKings #AmaruKhans #mayach #turtle #Kurimeo #Ancient #America #Atlantis #Tameri #Egypt