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In this video we will discuss the Story of Hunahpu The father of the. Hero Twins of Mesoamerica Mythology. Let me show his legend of coming out the Turk shell and giving life as corn. The similarity to Osiris also a corn deity.
Hun(Ahpu) very similar to Anpu or Anubis who we also know is Really The Mesoamerica Deity Xololt The dog of the underworld.
Xololt is Anubis or Hermanubis (Hermes + Anubis), We know Hermes is Thoth .. All the same epithets. Thoth is from “Atlantis” ONE OF THE. WESTERNERS OF THE LANDS OF THE WEST A City on a lake overlooking two volcanoes is where Thoth is said to be from in the book of the dead. Let me show you where that location can be found realistically , In Mesoamerica !! based on the history and mythology and description !!
Mayach MA (Land) Ach (Turtle). “Land of the Turtle” or. Turtle Land” is what Mayach or. Maya means !..
The original motherland…
Hope you enjoy