Evolution is a Masonic Lie Hiding Intelligent Design

The popular modern scientific-materialist-atheist worldview propagated by NASA, the mainstream media and the public education system is that you are here because nothingness for no reason exploded and created everything! Before time, space, matter, consciousness, intelligence, and life, there was nothing. Then the nothingness exploded, and instead of destroying things like every other explosion ever, this explosion created things, created everything! The nothingness explosion somehow created space, time and all matter in the universe in an instant and for no reason at all. Then all the creationary explosive debris flying outwards at over 670 million miles per hour for 14 billion years culminated to create you!

Yes, first some of the more gaseous nothing came together forming suns and stars, then solid pieces of the nothing came together forming planets and moons, then the nothing-turned-hydrogen and oxygen came together forming water on the nothing planet Earth, out of which single-celled living organisms magically appeared, got to work dividing and multiplying into multi-celled conscious organisms, which multiplied and divided and mutated into various forms of sea-life which adapted and evolved and crawled onto land, replaced gills with lungs, lost tails, grew opposable thumbs and started grasping at straws like this ridiculous nihilistic notion of Big Bang evolution.




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