Hello. My name is Eric Dubay and I’m a Flat Earther. Contrary to what you have been told to believe about me by the mainstream media, the government education system, and society in general, I am not an idiot, uneducated, or a religious zealot. I am a college graduate, spent 7 years teaching at a prestigious University, have published 6 books, and am not a follower of any religion. I was once a spinning ball Earth believer like yourself. In fact, the only difference between Spinning Ball Earthers and Flat Earthers, is that Flat Earthers have done their research. Of course, however, you will be told the opposite, that Flat Earthers are uneducated morons unaware of modern scientific theories, but the reality is every Flat Earther is well educated regarding the Spinning Ball Earth fantasy presented by NASA, taught in schools, and accepted as gospel truth by the gullible masses. In fact, you will find the average Flat Earther is far more knowledgeable about the Spinning Ball Earth we’re supposedly living on than the average Spinning Ball Earth believer! This is because Flat Earthers are all people who attempted to prove for themselves whether or not Earth is the way modern scientific and astronomical theory preaches, and discovered that it most certainly is not.