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This is Part 8 of the series « Hebrew Aboriginal Copper Colored Tribes of America »
In this part we will get into some new books
such as: « The ten tribes of Israel historically identified with the aborigines of the western hemisphere », A lot of supporting correlation and a discussion on Quetzalcoatl, and « History of Ancient America – by George jones proving aborigines with israelites » and , « The Popol Vuh » comparing it to the creation story of Genesis, and « Atlantis the antediluvian world » and we will also continue to read from the scholarly journal the « Foreign Quarterly Review » from the Harvard University library and other correlating information.
Who are the true biblical Hebrews? I hope that in these next parts of this series that I upload you allow me to show you all the correlation and evidence that exist here in the America’s that a lot of the tribes here resembled the people spoken of in the Torah (« Old » testament). I have a lot of info and parts coming. If you have not watched part 1 to 8 Please go watch them too for the full correlation …. here is the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-dPf0trGFs&list=PLWAGI-2J1-NSS9RYbh4oMfEk3dkngqEWE
Credit to: Allman Deliman for instrumental « Indian Country » played in the beginning and end of video. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYH3Sp1NLkNMLXpVgmgAxg
Playlist to my other video series:
« From Indigenous American to African American » 20 parts ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJGkcG1u_7o&list=PLWAGI-2J1-NTJ9RPjE_AKNmbXZL70WO-_
« Untold Ancient American Truth » 9 Parts !
« The true history of Corn ( Maize ) » 4 Parts !